Sunday,  May 20, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 311 • 26 of 32 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 25)

had demanded austerity as the most important step toward easing the eurozone's debt crisis. But the election of Socialist Francois Hollande as president of France, and Greek elections that created political chaos in the country were clear rejections of the belt-tightening Merkel represented.
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Blind Chinese activist who escaped house arrest arrives in US, renews call to fight injustice

• NEW YORK (AP) -- A blind Chinese legal activist who escaped house arrest,

endured a nearly monthlong diplomatic tussle and a hurried daylong flight paused ever so briefly upon his arrival in New York City before taking up a familiar fight.
• Taken from a hospital in his homeland and put on a plane for the U.S. after Chinese authorities suddenly told him Saturday to pack and prepare to leave, Chen Guangcheng embraced his new surroundings at New York University and renewed his call to fight injustice.
• "I believe that no matter how difficult the environment nothing is impossible if you put your heart to it," he told a cheering crowd at NYU shortly after arriving at Newark Liberty International Airport on Saturday evening.
• "We should link our arms to continue in the fight for the goodness in the world and to fight against injustice. So, I think that all people should apply themselves to this end to work for the common good worldwide."
• Chen was suddenly allowed to leave China earlier in the day, ending a dispute that tested U.S.-China relations.

(Continued on page 27)

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