Sunday,  May 20, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 311 • 2 of 32 •  Other Editions

I used to believe in Leprechauns
By Rev. James L. Snyder

• I must make a confession. It has taken me a long time to get to the place where I am willing and comfortable to make such an admission. I think some of my friends will be shocked at what I have to say. I think it is time I come clean and confess. Sort of, clean the air, so to speak.
• Simply put, I used to believe in leprechauns. I know that comes as a shock to all of my friends. At a distance, I look like a very reasonable, well-adjusted person. And the further away the better I look. The same thing goes with my distant relatives. The more distant they are the more I like them.
• Nobody would suspect that I had such a problem. You cannot tell what burdens people are carrying just by looking at them.
• It all came to me by way of reading books. When I was a young person, I read many books that had to do with leprechauns, rainbows and pots full of gold at the end of those rainbows. I was young and naοve at the time and believed everything I read.
• Once while my father was sleeping on the couch I ask him if he believed in leprechauns and he grunted in such a way that I took it to mean that he also believed in them. If you cannot trust your father while he is sleeping, who in the world can you trust?
• Many a day I spent in the woods at the end of our property looking for leprechauns. I can testify that they are rather elusive creatures but several times, I almost caught one. They always were just a few seconds quicker than I was. I looked

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