Saturday,  May 19, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 310 • 13 of 41 •  Other Editions

Making the switch to the new program has certainly been an experience. It was not only a world of experience, it was a universe of experience.
• Many of you have made the transition with ease. Others have had some difficulty. But for the most part, everyone has been patience and we thank you for that.
• I think we are nearing the end of the update. The last bit is to connect the "Today's Paper" link to your subscription account. That is expected to be completed on Monday. You will need to be signed in be

fore that link will appear, just like the way "Publications" appears under categories appears when you are signed in.
• The biggest challenge yet to happen is to move the old copies of the GDI into the new format. So far, there is no easy way to do it. In the meantime, you can gain access to the past issues at is our old site. I've had a couple of requests to gain access to the issues prior to May of 2012.
• We still have a glitch in the subscription expiration program. I have sent a memo to the developers in trying to get this fixed. Once it is, we will begin updating the subscription dates. If you ever want to find out when your subscription expires, just click on your name and it will be listed there. You can also update other information to your account.

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