Thursday,  May 17, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 308 • 37 of 60 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 36)

the campaign that encourages parents to talk to their children about why they should not drink and especially why they should not ride with anyone who has been drinking.
• More than 160 schools, including colleges and universities, are participating this year. Statistics show that 57 teens have died in the state and 645 have been injured in alcohol-related accidents since 2006. More have been killed in May than any other month.
• Research shows that kids are less likely to drink when their parents are involved in their lives, Darcy Jensen, Parents Matter Campaign coordinator, has said. The

campaign asks parents to tell their kids that, "It's not about trust, it's about love."
• It's not easy to miss the message in the community that parents do matter when it comes to appropriate behavior.
• Radio ads remind us not to drink and drive. DVDs are given out to parents. Other teens give testimonials on the perils, dangers and stupidity of drinking and driving. Stu

(Continued on page 38)

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