Monday,  May 14, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 305 • 22 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 21)

on Violence Against Women, which awarded the grant for the California training center.
• Galles, of Rapid City, S.D., said the confrontation with her then-boyfriend, a trained professional fighter, began after he returned home drunk and tried to touch her while she was in bed. At one point, she said, he clutched her by the throat and she nearly lost consciousness. After pleading guilty to a misdemeanor, domestic violence simple assault, he was sentenced to time already served in jail -- 24 days -- and released.
• The experience moved Galles, 28, to advocate her

state's law change, tearfully recounting her experiences to lawmakers. She said in an interview that she hopes the new laws will encourage more victims to come forward, knowing that their complaints will be taken seriously.
• "The victim needs to be able to get away, and part of that is having the perpetrator be held accountable," she said. "The perpetrator needs to know that it's not OK and he's not going to keep getting away."

Decision delayed on putting couch in SD Capitol

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- Members of a state commission say they want more information before deciding whether a round couch is placed back into the rotunda of the South Dakota Capitol building.
• Wanda Dilley of Pierre recently asked the Capitol Complex Restoration and Beautification Commission to return the black couch to the Capitol. The couch was

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