Monday,  May 14, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 305 • 14 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 13)

on helping the transitional government of Namibia emerge as a democracy and develop its economy.
• He says it's ridiculous to imply that his work representing Rossing Uranium, which was majority-owned by the global mining conglomerate Rio Tinto Zinc of London, played any role in his votes on Iran. He says it was only last year that he learned that the Iranian government also had a stake in the mine.
• But his past has become an issue in his bid to replace Kyl, a race that could influence the presidential vote in Arizona and help determine which party controls the Senate in 2013.
• Arizona has one of five Republican-held seats targeted by Democrats as takeover possibilities in November; the others are Indiana, Nevada, Maine and Massachusetts. In Arizona, Democrats are counting on Richard Carmona, surgeon general

under President George W. Bush.
• Democrats say Carmona, who accused the Bush administration of trying to politicize his job as the nation's top public health official, could contribute to making the traditionally Republican state competitive as President Barack Obama seeks a second term.
• The last Democratic senator in Arizona was Dennis DeConcini, who left office in 1995.
• According to Flake and federal records, the future congressman came to Washington as a public af

(Continued on page 15)

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