Friday,  May 11, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 302 • 20 of 39 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 19)

signs of that changing.?Maybe Democrats can find the solution to their electability problems and eventually restore the balance of power in Pierre. How long that takes, if it does happen, is anybody's guess. The trick is to first identify the problem and then remedy it in a way that reaches voters and convinces them it's time for a change. The clock has been ticking on that solution for a long time and to date there is no end in sight.
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• Rapid City Journal. May 8, 2012
• Report a reminder of fire dangers

• A recent report that found no human fault in the death of wildland firefighter Trampus Haskvitz in last August's Coal Canyon Fire is of some comfort for Haskvitz' family. Haskvitz was leading a three-man crew that became trapped by flame when their engine stalled trying to escape in a narrow canyon.
• The report is a reminder of how dangerous fighting unpredictable wildfires can be.

(Continued on page 21)

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