Thursday,  May 10, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 301 • 19 of 32 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 18)

according to the lawsuit. Berget had been in and out of prison since he was 15 and had at least seven escapes or attempted escapes on his record.
• "There's a lot in the complaint that is not in dispute. We admitted what we admitted and denied everything else," Moore said of the 15-page response.
• A lawyer for Lynette Johnson did not respond to a phone message seeking comment.
• The lawsuit states prison officials violated policy by not housing Berget and Robert in a maximum-security area and instead allowing them to work jobs and have free movement.
• The two men bashed Johnson with a pipe and covered his head with plastic wrap before Robert put on Johnson's uniform and tried to move a large box toward the

prison gate with Berget inside. The two were caught before leaving the prison.
• The penitentiary made more than a dozen procedural changes soon after Johnson's killing, including adding officers to three areas of the prison and installing additional security cameras. Other changes outlined in a 28-page report included further restricting inmate traffic, strengthening perimeter fencing, improving lighting and mandating body alarm "panic

(Continued on page 20)

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