Tuesday,  May 8, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 299 • 4 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 3)

out into the street. City Attorney Drew Johnson said, "As much as I hate to see any tree being taken down, you have a responsibility to take care of it." These trees are on private property as there is no boulevard, so they are private trees; however, they are obstructing the view of traffic. The ones at the Methodist Church are on city property.
• The new city council was called to order with Gary Heitmann being elected as president, Doug Hamilton being elected vice president, Anita Lowary being appointed city finance officer, Stacey Mayou being appointed as Chief of Police and Drew Johnson being appointed as the city attorney.
• The appointments were made to the committees and are as follows:
• Electric, cemetery, rubble site, parks: Doug Hamilton as chairman, Brett Anderson as co-chairman.
• Water, swimming pool, skating, other recreation: Eddy Opp as chairman, Scott Hanlon as co-chairman.
• Streets, baseball, liquor: Gary Heitmann as chairman, Doug Hamilton as co-chairman.
• Waste water, solid waste, forestry, airport: Brett Anderson as chairman, Gary Heitmann as co-chairman.
• Finance Office, legal, library, insurance, general administration: Clare Brotherton as chairman, Eddy Opp as co-chairman.
• Senior citizens, community center, civil defense, economic development: Scott Hanlon as chairman, Clare Brotherton as co-chairman.
• Police: Mayor Roy Olson as chairman, Doug Hamilton as co-chairman.
• Northeast Council of Governments representative: Scott Hanlon
• Planning and Zoning Representative: Doug Hamilton
• WEB Water representative: Brett Anderson..

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