Monday,  May 7, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 298 • 14 of 30 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 13)

200 new jobs to the community.
• TCF Bank is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wayzata-Minn.-based TCF Financial Corporation, which provides retail and commercial banking services. The company has over 430 branches in Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, Colorado, Wisconsin, Indiana, Arizona and South Dakota.
• The event begins at 11:30 a.m. CDT.

Hail damages hundreds of cars at dealership

• MITCHELL, S.D. (AP) -- About 300 cars at a Mitchell car dealership have been damaged after severe weather pelted the area.
• KELO-TV reports that strong winds, rain and golf-ball-sized hail blew out win

dows and caused dents in hundreds of cars at the Iverson Chrysler Center in Mitchell early Saturday morning.
• General Manager Tim Hurll says employees were able to save 15 cars. He estimates the damage could be more than $1 million.
• Hurll says the dealership will offer discounts on the damaged cars starting Monday.
• Other towns in southeast South Dakota also saw damage. KSFY-TV reports that wind blew the roof off a church

(Continued on page 15)

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