Saturday,  May 5, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 296 • 17 of 58 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 16)

different and crazy."
• The special keynote speaker for the evening was 2010-2011 National FFA Vice President Wyatt DeJong, Winner, SD. DeJong talked about how uncomfortable moments drive us forward and offered a chance to grow.
• "Don't make excuses," DeJong said. "Go out and experience life."
• He also quoted a fellow National Officer who has been blind his whole life, and still sets out to achieve great things.
• "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary," DeJong quoted, "Is the little extra."
• DeJong also showed a video clip of two cheetahs hunting a gazelle. The gazelle was able to out run the cheetahs and get away.
• "Don't let the cheetahs (problems or excuses) of the world stop you from doing what you want to do," DeJong said. "Run with the intensity of the gazelle, don't let the Cheetahs over take you."

(Continued on page 18)

7395: Olivia Siglund, State FFA Reporter from Webster, spoke on her experience as a state officer during the Groton FFA Banquet.

7394: Matt Murray, Chapter Sentinel, introduced Olivia Siglund, a 2011-2012 State FFA Officer.

7392: Tyra Leonhardt lead the drawing for the many door prizes the chapter gave away during the banquet.

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