Saturday,  May 5, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 296 • 11 of 58 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 10)

400m Relay: 4, Groton (Martin, Helm, Graf, Cutler), 58.81; 6, Langford, 1:00.25.
800m Relay: 4, Groton (Martin, Hanse, Fey, Fish), 2:08.9.

(Continued on page 12)

7110: Audrey Wanner won the 7th grade girl's 195 -meter hurdles with a time of 32.5

7117: Kari Hanson placed in sixth place in the 8th grade 195-meter hurdles.

7140: Kelby Hawkins in the 195-meter hurdles.

7124: Josie Doeden placed second in the 8th grade 195-meter hurdles.

7143: Katelyn Idt in the 200-meter dash.

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