Friday,  May 4, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 295 • 6 of 17 •  Other Editions

7357: FCCLA officers Ellie Harms and Jordyn Opsahl were the MC's for the second half of the style show.

7359: Breanna Marzahn is modeling the pink paw print pajama pants she made in FACS class. The pants are made from polar fleece and have an elastic waist.

7340: Amanda Koens is wearing pink pajama pants with brown polka dots that she made in FACS class. This was her first sewing project.

7361: Josey Helmer is modeling a Moria Lee prom dress. It is aqua blue, empire waist, above the knee-length dress. The top is constructed with blue sequins and an embellished ribbon separates the bottom.

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