Friday,  May 4, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 295 • 11 of 17 •  Other Editions

7380: FCCLA 2012-2013 officers: Katie LaMee, Secretary; Amanda Koens, Vice President; Jordyn Opsahl, President; and Haley Unzen. Lindsey Tietz is the FCCLA Advisor. Andee Giest is not pictured, but will be the new treasurer.

7382: Four very special quilts were made and shown at this year's FCCLA style show. David Strom, with the help of his para-educator, made the quilts for his friends. Pictured standing in front of the quilts David made for them are :Sydney Erickson, David Strom, Ryland Strom, Alexa Schuring and Kylie Hawkins (standing in for her sister Katelyn).

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