Sunday,  April 29, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 290 • 25 of 34 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 24)

forces. "They have increased global presence, the number of attacks by affiliates has risen, and in some places like Yemen, they've expanded control of territory."
• It's a complicated, somewhat murky picture for Americans to grasp.
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Obama pokes fun at campaigns past and present, Secret Service, Donald Trump

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- This year's primaries, the

2008 primaries, the General Services Administration scandal, even the Secret Service and Donald Trump were targets for President Barack Obama's scattershot humor at Saturday night's celebrity studded White House Correspondents Dinner.
• Even the entrance to his speech was part of his schtick. The president walked off stage just before he took the podium with an alleged "hot mic," making fun of getting caught last month on an open microphone with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
• "What am I doing here," he asks off stage. "I'm opening for Jimmy Kimmel and telling knock-knock jokes to Kim Kardashian."
• Once on stage, the president revisited last year's dinner, which took place as Navy SEALS were dispatched to capture and kill Osama bin Laden.
• "Last year at this time, this very weekend, we finally delivered justice to one of the world's most notorious individuals," Obama said. Then a picture of real estate mogul Donald Trump appeared on the room's television monitors. The president last year delivered a scathing roast of Trump, who flirted with running for the Republican

(Continued on page 26)

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