Saturday,  April 28, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 289 • 28 of 48 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 27)

to push right tackle Gosder Cherilus, perhaps as soon as this year.
• The athletic Reiff was a three-time state wrestling champion and played tight end in high school. He was a defensive lineman when he went to Iowa.
• Hawkeyes coach Kirk Ferentz asked Reiff if he wanted to move to the other side of the ball and he jumped at the opportunity, moving to the offensive line early in his freshman season. He did enough to be able to skip his senior season as a 6-foot-5, 313-pound highly touted offensive tackle.
• "This is a guy that's been highly productive in a major level of competition in a program that's produced a lot of really good offensive linemen," Schwartz said. "He has the skill set to fit not only the left tackle position, but be a multidimensional player."

• Reiff's decision to stay home for his big night allowed his mother to buy new furniture for the first time in 14 years. It also gave him, his two younger brothers and some high school friends something to sit on while telling old stories and listening to music in the pole barn.
• "I had been saving money to buy plane tickets for New York," Jo Reiff said. "When he decided not to go, I got new furniture and the old couches had to go somewhere. It worked out good."

(Continued on page 29)

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