Saturday,  April 28, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 289 • 2 of 48 •  Other Editions

Alberts, May quality for state

• Groton hosted its second meet of the season on Tuesday. The Kiwanis Relay was a good meet for the Tigers with four first place finishes for the girls team and two first place finishes and a state qualifying time for the boys team.
• Kylie Hawkins won the the 100-meter hurdles and Schyler Sattler won the 300-meter hurdles. The 800-meter relay team of Sippel, Schaller, Sattler and Kurtz finished in first place as did the Medley Relay team of Profeta, Kurtz, Sipple, K Sattler. The girls team finished in third place in team points with 85 points.

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Adam Dutenhoffer, Frederick, placed fourth in the discus with this throw of 129' 5" at the Kiwanis Track Meet. (Photo #6767 by Char Telkamp)

Bryce Raap placed sixth in the Kiwanis Track Meet with a throw of 126' 2" in discus. (Photo #6770 by Char Telkamp)

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