Friday,  April 27, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 288 • 18 of 39 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 17)

co-founder Dennis Banks.
• AIM member Richard Two Elk of Denver told The Associated Press in 2004 that he had seen someone shoot Robinson in the knees, but the reason was because he had refused to pick up a gun and was constantly annoying people in the bunker. Two Elk declined an email request from the AP this week to talk further about the incident.
• Banks, in a telephone interview Thursday, said he can't recall ever meeting Robinson. He said the only recollection of Robinson he has is when his family visited AIM in St. Paul to ask for information.
• "Over the years, the Robinson name has popped up and I'm not sure even who would have that information or where it was," Banks told the AP. "That's a complete

blank to me."
• Banks said there was no formal AIM investigation into the disappearance of Robinson or anyone else during Wounded Knee.
• "We never conducted any, like, major search for anybody that was missing, just except by word of mouth, 'Did you guys ever see this or that?' That's as far as I know and that's as far as it went," he said.
• Clyde Bellecourt, another AIM co-founder, said he wasn't in Wounded Knee in April 1973. He left a month or

(Continued on page 19)

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