Wednesday,  April 25, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 286 • 27 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 26)

• Eager to turn the political page to the general election, Romney accused President Barack Obama of "false promises and weak leadership." He declared, "Everywhere I go, Americans are tired of being tired, and many of those who are fortunate enough to have a job are working harder for less."
• The former Massachusetts governor spoke as he swept primaries in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, Pennsylvania and New York, the first since Rick Santorum conceded the nomination.

• "Mitt Romney is going to be the nominee, and I'm going to support the nominee," the former Pennsylvania senator said on CNN. He added he intended to meet on Wednesday with the winner's aides.
• Romney, speaking to cheering supporters, in New Hampshire, said, "The last few years have been the best Barack Obama can do, but it's not the best America can do."
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Young voters facing unemployment, high gas prices, student loans could dump Obama for Romney

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Once thought to be solidly behind President Barack Obama, younger voters burdened by a bleak employment picture, high gas prices and student loan debt are being aggressively wooed by the Democrat and his likely Republican challenger, Mitt Romney.

(Continued on page 28)

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