Wednesday,  April 25, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 286 • 21 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 20)

uprising on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is already inciting controversy.
• Ken Tilsen, who represented hundreds of American Indian Movement activists arrested during the 71-day armed takeover, is angry that there is one side noticeably absent from a panel about the investigations and prosecution of those arrested: the defense.
• "It may be a wonderful conference in other areas, but in this area it is a disgrace," Tilsen, 84, said Tuesday about Augustana College's Center for Western Studies Dakota Conference, scheduled for Friday and Saturday. This year's theme is "Wounded Knee 1973: Forty Years Later" and aims to bring together all sides of

the siege on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation ahead of its 40th anniversary next year.
• The panel Tilsen is peeved about is comprised of Judge David Gienapp and attorney James McMahon, who were assistant U.S. attorneys that prosecuted Wounded Knee cases, and David Price, an FBI agent at the occupation.
• Without someone from the defense's side there, the panel will be

(Continued on page 22)

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