Wednesday,  April 25, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 286 • 19 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 18)

Heineman, Iowa's Terry Branstad and Michigan's Rick Snyder met in Omaha with representatives of eight other states at the beginning of a two-day summit of the National Governors Association on regional economic development.
• The governors and representatives of Alabama, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Dakota, Utah and West Virginia are sharing best practices for creating jobs in their states.
• Heineman, who leads the association, held a news conference with Branstad and Snyder on Tuesday, and all three said that proposals of higher taxes and more stringent regulations on businesses, as well as the Obama administration's health care overhaul, are hurting business growth in their states.
• "I think you have a huge uncertainty coming from the federal government,"

Heineman said. "I'd like to see the federal government provide stability when it comes to taxes, regulation and health care."
• Branstad said the federal health care law "would add 150,000 people to the Medicaid rolls in Iowa. It's not affordable; it's not sustainable."
• The Iowa governor said his state has launched a healthy living initiative with the goal for Iowa to become the healthiest state in the nation by 2016. It's currently ranked 16th, he said. Offi

(Continued on page 20)

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