Sunday,  April 1, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 263 • 6 of 25 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 5)

them to the information.
•  During the non-advertising time frame, she said, "we average 50 per day… but that is actually picking up as people become more aware."
•  Sattgast said the division has two main responsibilities: one is finding the properties out there, and the other is reuniting them with the people to whom it rightfully belongs.
•  "You can write to us," DeJabet said, adding, "you can call us, you can check on-line, you can check on your phone, you can visit us at the Fair or the Home Show, you can walk in--lots of ways to get to us."
•  "And we love to give money away--we are one of the few government agencies

Some things seem too good to be true
By Rev. James L. Snyder

• Recently I discovered something. The more I tried to keep up with the latest trend the further behind I get. I am not a complete technical idiot, but I'm not too far off. The only thing I can say about me is that I at least try.
• The best example of all of this has to do with my cell phone. Is there anybody on the planet today that does not have a cell phone? And, the most important question, is there anybody driving a car that is not at the same time on that cell phone? Who in the world are they all talking to?
• My guess is they are all talking to each other. At least, they are not talking to me.
• The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage finally convinced me to go into cahoots with her and get cell phones. The plan was this. She got to pick out the cell phones and I got to pay the bill. I must say I beat her on this one.
• She only got to take the cell phone once but I, get to pay the bill every month. I was chuckling to myself that I finally pulled one over on her until I realized that I get to pay the bill every month. Every month! This is the last time I will try to pull something over on her. I never win.
• Consequently, we now are in the cell phone industry. I am not sure it is all working out for the good.
• I have yet to master the technological skill associated with successfully using my cell phone. Although my cell phone is rather small, it has more buttons on it than Bozo the clown's costume. Not only are there more buttons than I can count but each button is smaller than I can see. Who in the world designed such small buttons?
• I really think that my cell phone was designed for some midget.

(Continued on page 7)

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