Sunday,  April 1, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 263 • 21 of 25 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 20)

• The 58-year-old True, whose extreme-distance running prowess is detailed in the book "Born to Run," set out on what -- for him -- would have been a routine 12-mile run Tuesday from The Wilderness Lodge and Hot Springs, where he was staying. He left his dog at the lodge and never returned. A search began the next day.
• Lodge co-owner Dean Bruemmer, who helped with the search Saturday, said he last saw his friend at breakfast. He said True gave no indication of a specific route, which made the search

more difficult.
• ___

Bieber, Berry among the victims as slime pours freely at 25th annual Kids' Choice Awards

• At the 25th annual Kids' Choice Awards, the slime runneth over.
• Host Will Smith opened the 25th annual Kids' Choice Awards promising a record amount of the show's trademark green gunk. Though some 20 awards are presented at the KCAs, the real suspense isn't who will take home a "Blimp" (the show's Oscar), it's when and on whom the slime will spill.
• It's like a baptism into kid-dome that can come at any moment: from a hidden bucket, dumped from the rafters or exploded from little orange blimps.
• "No one is safe from the slime!" screamed Smith. "You have to earn the slime! It's an honor."

(Continued on page 22)

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