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• • Use flashcards: It may sound quaint, but there is really no substitute for quizzing yourself with a flash card. Even the act of creating the flashcard can help reinforce concepts and facts. • • Extra Help: A little extra academic help after school can sometimes mean the difference between struggle and success. But between school and soccer practice, ballet lessons and getting dinner on the table, adding a tutor or after school class to the list might be a logistical impossibility. • Consider online courses that can be completed from the comfort of home and are common core aligned. For example, Shmoop's offerings are diverse, ranging from 7th grade math to second semester 12th grade British Literature. For those students taking Advanced Placement courses this fall, check out their AP test prep courses. These courses help students nail the important, for-credit, year-end exam. More information can be found at www.Shmoop.com. • With a bit of extra effort and the use of savvy learning tools, kids can gain a competitive edge this school year.