Emergency Dispatch Services Consolidating in Central South Dakota
• PIERRE, S.D. - Effective Wednesday, July 16, the City of Pierre and State Department of Public Safety are consolidating emergency and law enforcement dispatch services in central South Dakota into a single operation run by the city. • The consolidation of two public-safety communications systems into one will increase efficiency and save money, said Pierre Mayor Laurie Gill. • "Government at all levels should always look for ways to be more efficient and to deliver services as effectively as possible,'' Gill said. "Working with (DPS Secretary) Trevor Jones and his staff, we believe we have reached a consolidation that will benefit both state and local taxpayers and assure reliable emergency communications for the central South Dakota region.'' • A joint powers agreement authorizing the consolidation was signed between the City and DPS in July of 2013. The new center, Central South Dakota Communications (CSDC), is a 911 public safety answering point. • The consolidation moves the City's dispatch services to the State Radio facilities located in the Mickelson Law Enforcement Center at the east edge of Pierre. State (Continued on page 3)