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• She then explains she is talking about what happened on the TV program while she was away. I then tell her, "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." • This seems to be a source of real frustration for her. • "If you can't afford to pay attention," she will say sarcastically while rolling her eyes, "couldn't you at least rent some attention some time?" • I tried explaining to her that old age is making me a little more forgetful. She, however, is not buying it, so there goes my income stream. • For me, watching television is not an obsession; it is more like a distraction. I do not follow every little bit on the television screen. For me it is not a matter of life or death, it is just a matter of recreation. I know that nothing on TV is real. We can be in the middle of the next program and I do not realize that the first program has ended. Talk about confusing! • When something does catch my attention, boy does it have my attention. • "Did you," I ask my wife, "hear that?" • Then it is role reversal in prime time. I will not say she acts like me, just that it comes pretty close to it. Not quite Oscar material, but close. • "What?" She said with a very confused look on her face. • So I had to explain the news story that I just happened to catch. I do not know all of the details, I was not paying that much attention, just that someone was fired from (Continued on page 4)