Highway Patrol Encourages Safe Driving Over Independence Day Holiday
• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - The South Dakota Highway Patrol is encouraging travelers to make safe driving decisions over the Independence Day holiday. • With the July 4 weekend being one of the busiest travel times of the year, the Highway Patrol is conducting a statewide saturation patrol on July 3 to motivate drivers to obey the laws of the Highway. • "Each year, the Fourth of July holiday period creates one of the busiest travel times of the year," says Col. Craig Price, superintendent of the Highway Patrol. "I have three tips for drivers this weekend: Don't drive drunk, obey the speed limits and wear your seat-belt." • Offices of Highway Safety statistics show that speeding, impaired driving and other hazardous moving violations are major contributors to crashes, injuries and deaths on state highways. • "Independence Day is a fun holiday to spend with family," Lee Axdahl, director of the South Dakota Office of Highway Safety said. "Knowing traffic will increase this weekend highlights the importance of driving your vehicle with safety in mind instead of trying to make good time." • Troopers involved with the saturation patrol will be targeting speed and alcohol use but will also be enforcing all other traffic laws too, including the new texting and driving ban that went into effect July 1. •