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cles. Also, many boats, docks, and campers received some damage in the path of the storms. Specifically, an aerial crop spraying plane at the Sisseton airport was picked up and thrown 450 feet and landed upside down. In Claire City, a 55,000 bushel grain bin was blown off of its foundation and flattened. On a farm five miles north of Amherst, three large grain bins were blown over and damaged.
2003: Severe thunderstorms brought damaging winds to parts of central South Dakota, especially to Lyman County. Eighty mph winds moved a building off the foundation at the Presho Municipal Airport. Eighty mph winds also destroyed or damaged many grain bins and caused damage to several other buildings in and around Presho. A large sign, twenty power poles, along with many trees were downed in Presho. There were also several broken house and car windows from hail and high winds. Seventy mph winds tore a garage door loose, bent a flagpole over, and downed many large tree branches in Kennebec. The winds also caused some damage to homes, sheds, and grain bins in Kennebec.
1987: Lightning struck and killed three men playing golf near Kingsport, TN. They had sought shelter from the rain under a tall tree.
1992: Daytona Beach, FL was smacked with a 27-mile long 18-foot high rogue wave that caused extensive damage to boats and vehicles but amazingly only resulted in several injuries and no deaths.