Today in Weather History
1928: A powerful, estimated F4 tornado moved southeast from 6 miles west of Miller, destroying farms near the start of the path. All buildings were leveled to the ground, including two homes. A check book from one home was found 10 miles away. Estimated property damaged was set at $50,000.
1955: An estimated F2 tornado moved northeast near Bowdle. Two barns were destroyed. A small girl and a pony were reportedly carried a quarter mile without injury. A tornado was also spotted in Emmons County in North Dakota, causing $10,000 worth of damage.
2005: Heavy rains of three to seven inches fell across far eastern Brown, western and northern Day, and most of Marshall Counties in late June causing widespread flooding. The flood waters slowly receded through July 10th. Many township roads and highways were flooded along with thousands of acres of cropland. Water surrounded several homes resulting in people being rescued. Some of the homes were flooded. Many bridges were damaged and roads and culverts were washed out. In Day County, 30 roads were washed out and 15 bridges needed repairs.
2005: With continued little or no rainfall along with much above normal temperatures, a drought expanded and intensified through July across central and north central South Dakota. Severe (D2) to extreme (D3) drought early in July worsened to extreme (D3) to exceptional (D4) across all of the area by the middle of July and remained there through the end of the month. Rainfall was 1.50 inches to 2.25 inches below normal for the month and from 7 to 8 inches below normal for the year. Soil moisture was 4 to 5 inches below normal and lake and river flows were well below normal. Crops and pastures were devastated due to the extreme dryness and burn bans were in effect across all of the area. Many ranchers had to sell off much of their cattle. Throughout July, periodic strong winds, low relative humidity values, along with many lightning storms resulted in tens, if not over one hundred fires (Continued on page 8)