Board approves use of cell phones in school
• Monday night's Groton School Board meeting was about policy changes. While some were introduced last month, more received their first reading last night. • The proposed changes to the Elementary student handbook, student-athlete code of conduct, the Coaches Handbook and the changes to the school's alcohol/tobacco and the marijuana/controlled substance use policies all received their second reading and approval. • First reading changes included a changed in the guidelines to using private owned passenger vehicles and using volunteer drivers to transport students. These changes were mostly in the form used and changes in the language to make it more in-line with the insurance language. • Bigger changes were made to the middle school/high school handbook. Students will now be able to use cell phones during the school day, except while classes are in session. So students can use their phones before school, after school, lunch time and between classes. This is a change from the no cell phone policy of the past. The policy includes all forms of electronic devices not school sanctioned. • Another major change to the handbook is the requirement that the school be given a 24 hour notice by the parents if a student will be dismissed to attend an ex (Continued on page 3)