(Continued from page 22)
• • 7. WHERE A BATTLE IS BREWING OVER AQUARIUM FISH • The waters off Hawaii's Big Island have become the focus of a fight over whether it's ever appropriate to remove fish from reefs for people to own in their homes. • • 8. WHO LOST A FIGHT TO STREAM TV • The Supreme Court sides with broadcasters and says Internet startup Aereo will no longer be able to take programming from the airwaves for free. • • 9. U.S. FACES GERMANY IN WORLD CUP • The Americans, who are coached by a German, need a draw or win to qualify for the next round in Brazil. • • 10. AND TINY COOK ISLANDS AIMS TO REACH A DIFFERENT WORLD CUP • The Pacific island-nation plays the biggest Rugby game in its history Saturday when it hopes to beat Fiji to reach the top tournament in the sport. •
AP News in Brief Analysis: US treads warily on unwelcome common ground with Iran and Syria in Iraq
• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Strange bedfellows, indeed. • The Obama administration has found itself in a foreign policy and national security pickle of rare complexity with the apparent entry of Syria into the Iraq conflict on the side of the U.S.-backed government in Baghdad, as well as active Iranian military support for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. • Washington already was toeing a delicate line with Shiite Iran, which the U.S. deems the world's most active state sponsor of terrorism, over their common short-term interest in turning back the advance of militant Sunni rebels in Iraq. • Now, to its dismay, Syrian President Bashar Assad -- regarded in Washington as a pariah who should be ousted -- has joined the club with what U.S. and Iraqi officials say are airstrikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in western Iraq. ISIL had been fighting Assad in Syria before turning its major focus to seizing large swaths of northern Iraq. • Assad is being supported by Iran in his country's own civil war with opposition forces, and a decision for Syria to hit ISIL on Iraqi soil is perhaps not surprising. (Continued on page 24)