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ministration has left behind. • Daugaard has said his administration has worked with the South Dakota legislature to freeze tuition at state universities, while boosting funding to technical schools, K-12 education and Medicaid providers. • In June, Wismer beat out former state Wildland Fire Division head Joe Lowe for the Democratic nomination. She is the state's first female nominee for governor from a major party. • Wismer said Blake's gender was incidental to her selection; she was looking to pick someone from Sioux Falls for geographic balance. • Blake said she and Wismer complement each other's strengths. • "She's a thinker, and I'm kind of passionate," Blake said. •
Gov urges donations to Wessington Springs relief
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- Gov. Dennis Daugaard is encouraging donations to the Wessington Springs tornado relief fund, as he prepares for a visit to the town on Thursday. • Daugaard says every contribution, whether big or small, will make a difference in helping restore the town where dozens of homes and businesses were damaged on June 18. • Businesses, organizations and people interested in donating can call the Red Cross at 1-800-Red-Cross or go to www.redcross.org and designate a donation for Wessington Springs. • Cash donations also can be dropped off at American Bank & Trust locations in Wessington Springs, Alpena, Huron, Wolsey, Miller, Pierre, Mellette and De Smet. • Daugaard says Wessington Springs does not need any more donations of clothing or household items. •
Soldiers wrap up work in tornado-ravaged SD town
• WESSINGTON SPRINGS, S.D. (AP) -- South Dakota National Guard soldiers have left Wessington Springs after spending about a week helping clean up the tornado-ravaged town, but other forms of aid continue to pour in to the southeastern South Dakota community. • The soldiers are no longer needed and left on Tuesday, Mayor Melissa Mebius told The Daily Republic newspaper. • "There has been so much progress," she said. "Most of the major debris is (Continued on page 21)