Friendly Fellows and Daisies
• The Friendly Fellows and Daisies 4-H Club met June 22 at the Claremont United Methodist Church. Dylan Frey called the meeting to order with roll call topic "Favorite Summer Activity." Flag pledges were led by Kaitlyn Anderson and Will Cutler. The Secretary's report was read and approved by Colin Frey and seconded by Justine Sanderson. The Treasurer's report was read and approved by Hanna Miller and seconded by Will Cutler. • Old business included a discussion on Sand Lake Refuge tour. Kaitlyn Anderson closed old business and seconded by Mallary Miller. In new business, Leader, Mike Frey reviewed the newshound and had a discussion on the entry tags system that's going to take place this year. Mallory Miller closed new business and Kennedy Anderson seconded it. Other business, we held our annual rocket launch and ice cream social after the meeting. The meeting was adjourned by Brady Wieker and seconded by Sam Sanderson. A talk was given by Will Cutler on "How to score your bb gun target." Lunch was served by Miller's. The next meeting will be Aug. 3rd at Wylie park at 5:00 p.m.