Slight risk of severe weather on Saturday
• The Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma expects a slight risk of severe weather in portions of the Southeast, Midwest and northern Plains on Saturday. The area of greatest concern is in the Central U.S, particularly portions of southern North Dakota, South Dakota and northern Nebraska where large hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes are possible. • Rest Of Today: Partly sunny. A 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the mid 80s. South winds 5 to 10 mph. • Tonight: Mostly cloudy. Showers and thunderstorms likely in the evening...then
Yesterday's Weather
High: 83.2°F at 4:17 PM Low: 53.4°F at 5:10 AM High Gust: 26 mph at 10:10 AM Precip: 0.00
Snow for the season: 25.25
Record High: 108° in 1988 Record Low: 31° in 1902 Average High: 79°F Average Low: 55°F Average Precip in June.: 2.46 Precip to date in June.: 3.17 Average Precip to date: 9.60 Precip Year to Date: 7.78 Sunset Tonight: 9:26 p.m.
Sunrise Tomorrow: 5:45 a.m.