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candidates who receive the most votes. • Sandy Klatt of Brandon Valley and James Hansen of Rapid City are in a runoff for the school board seat. The top candidates for the small school slot were Linda Whitney of Sanborn Central and Mike Lodmel of Tri-Valley. Members' ballots must be in to SDHSAA by July 7 with the new board members assuming their duties at the August meeting. • Regular board members serve a five-year term and may not be re-elected for a consecutive second term. The board member filling out Ruth's term will serve four years and board member filling out Miller's term will serve two years. • One of the first orders of business in August will be selecting three board members to serve on a new site selection committee. At its June meeting, the SDHSAA board selected five athletic directors to serve on the committee. The athletic directors are from the five communities that host the most SDHSAA events. • Appointed to the committee were Mark Miele of Sioux Falls Public Schools, former board chairman Darren Paulson of Rapid City Central, Gene Brownell of Aberdeen Central, Terry Rotert of Huron and Randy Soma of Brandon Valley.