The switch on my behind saved time
• My father was a rather reserved person. He did not have much to say except when he was talking about his hunting or fishing adventures, and to hear from him. It was always an adventure. When he got started on one of his stories, you better just sit back and forget about everything else. • Outside of that, he was rather quiet and reserved and did not have much to say. • I always liked that about him for a variety of reasons. I think I take after him in that regard. I just do not have time to hear somebody bloviate on something I am not interested in. • For one, my father had no time at all for politics. I am not sure if he was a Republican or Democrat, but I knew he voted every election. • "Son," he often said, "you don't have to take sides one way or the other. When I'm with a Democrat, I talk Democrat and when I'm with a Republican, I talk Republican. The only thing that (Continued on page 5)