Come and Go Bridal shower for Bridget Hageman bride to be of Jason Osterman, Saturday June 7, 2014 2 p.m. - 4 p.m., At Emmanuel Lutheran Church Groton, the couple is registered at Target and Herbergers.
Luecke Thank You
Thank you to everyone who contributed to my shower gifts from Lori's Pharmacy. I received many beautiful decorative pieces that I am excited to use in our future home. I appreciate everyone's kindness and generosity. Hannah Luecke
Luecke, Edgar Engaged
Hannah Luecke, Groton, and Brady Edgar, Rockham, are engaged and plan a July 25, 2014 wedding at the Groton Christian and Missionary Alliance Church. • Parents of the couple are Dave and Becky Hunter and the late Rob Luecke of Groton and Mark and Pam Edgar of Rockham. • The bride-to-be is attending Northern State University in Aberdeen pursuing an elementary education degree. • The groom-to-be graduated from North Dakota State College of Science in 2013 and is currently working at RDO in Redfield as well as on the family farm.
For Rent
ONE AND TWO bedroom apartment for rent. HDS subsidized. Rent includes utilities and heat. No smoking. Pets okay. Contact Kendra at 605/215-4000.