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ony in Miller. Hutterites, similar to Amish and Mennonites, live a life centered on their religion on German-speaking colonies scattered across northern U.S. states and Canada. • Bosworth said she had hundreds more signatures than were needed to get on the primary ballot, and the validity of those signatures is not in question. • "Simply put, there was no criminal intent to deceive, nor was there any reason to," she said. • Bosworth founded the mission-based health care nonprofit Preventive Health Strategies in 2011 and opened a private practice medical clinic in Sioux Falls called Meaningful Medicine. • The political newcomer raised $1.7 million dollars during her campaign but spent most of what she raised on out-of-state fundraising efforts, according to her Federal Election Commission reports. The campaign has been using Base Connect, a direct mail fundraising company that helps conservative candidates, organizations and political action committees. • Her campaign fund was in the red as of her last filing on May 14, reporting $99,000 in cash offset by debts of more than $150,000. • Bosworth has also faced accusations from several former employees, who said she has failed to pay promised wages. • One week before the primary, Bosworth staged an "adults only" press conference to highlight the hateful and hurtful phrases hurled at her by random Internet commenters during the campaign. Bosworth gave volunteers spray paint cans and had them produce a graffiti-laden backdrop of profane words and insults to make her point. • A day later she announced that she was sponsoring a last-minute Senate candidate forum to be posted on YouTube. The forum, which was also attended by two other candidates, was not open to the public. •
Wismer first woman South Dakota governor nominee NORA HERTEL, Associated Press
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- State Rep. Susan Wismer's victory in the South Dakota Democratic primary makes her the state's first female nominee for governor from a major party. • Wismer won the Democratic nomination Tuesday to challenge incumbent Gov. Dennis Daugaard. • The accountant from Britton is critical of Daugaard and has a formidable challenge ahead after he took the GOP nomination with more than 80 percent of the (Continued on page 17)