Friendly Fellows and Daisies
• The Friendly Fellows and Daisies 4-H Club met May 4th for its Adopt-A-Highway project. Following the ditch pick-up the members met at the Claremont Methodist Church for a meeting. President Landon Marzahn called the meeting to order with flag pledges led by Andrew Marzahn and Mallory Miller. The roll call topic was "Favorite Hobby." The secretary's report was read and approved by William Cutler and seconded by Andrew Marzahn. The treasure's report was read and approved by Nathan Wright and seconded by Andrew Marzahn. In old business was discussion on the Sand Lake Tour. In new business, asst. leader Renee Marzahn read the newshound and discussed the flower planting. Madilyn Wright closed new business, seconded by Trey Wright. Lunch was served by Hanna, Mallory, and Tucker Miller. The next meeting will be June 29th at 1:30 at the Claremont Methodist Church.
Submitted by Madilyn Wright, Reporter