Lazy Farmer's 4-H
• The May 4 meeting of the Lazy Farmers 4H club was held at the Jeremy and Amy Krueger home following cleanup and planting of trees at the James Cemetery at 4:00. The meeting was called to order by acting president Portia Kettering. US flag pledge was led by Portia and Cassandra led the 4H pledge. Roll Call topic was "Name a project area you're enrolled in" and was answered by 14 members. There were no guests present. Secretaries report was read by Hannah Webb and Treasurers report was given by Sandy Osterman. • Old business included fruit sales report and proceeds. There was discussion about donating proceeds to the new State fair building. The Prospect calf, sheep, goat & swine affidavits are due Friday May30, because the office is closed on June 1. • New business included highlights from the newshound. Members are encouraged to read the newshound themselves found on 4honline. Final enrollment is May 23. Travis Townsend made a motion to donate $50 to the phonathon and Brooklyn Gilbert seconded the motion. Fair exhibit monitoring time was chosen for Sunday 2-5pm for the Brown County fair. Hannah Webb made a motion to move forward with setting up Schwan's food fundraising for the State fair building and Tanae Lipp seconded the motion. • The next meeting of the Lazy Farmers 4H club will be Sunday June 1 at 7pm at the Groton Community Center. • Cassandra Townsend made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Pierce Kettering. • There were no talks & demonstrations. • Lunch was served by Lane Krueger and his family.
• Respectfully submitted by Hannah Webb