Bridal Showers
Come join us for a bridal shower for Hannah Luecke, bride to be of Brady Edgar, Tuesday June 3, 7 p.m., at the Groton C&MA church, 706 N Main St Groton. (0521.0528*)
Help Wanted
The Groton Area School District is seeking applicants for the following positions for the 2014-2015 school year. Special Education Paraprofessionals Assistant Boys Basketball Coach Substitute Teachers/Bus Drivers Please call Joe Schwan, Superintendent 605-397-2351 for additional information. Applications are available at www.grotonarea.com.
Come and Go Bridal shower for Bridget Hageman bride to be of Jason Osterman, Saturday June 7, 2014 2 p.m. - 4 p.m., At Emmanuel Lutheran Church Groton, the couple is registered at Target and Herbergers.
For Rent
ONE AND TWO bedroom apartment for rent. HDS subsidized. Rent includes utilities and heat. No smoking. Pets okay. Contact Kendra at 605/215-4000.