Groton City Council Agenda June 2, 2014 - 7pm
1) Mike Olson - Property Maintenance Code 2) Minutes 3) Financial Report 4) Bills 5) Transfer of Cash Fund Balance 6) Park Repair needs 7) Community Access Grant Application 8) Brown County Predisaster Mitigation Plan Participation 9) Cemetery Regulations 10) Council Committee Duties 11) Police Vehicle Use 12) Department Reviews 13) Exe Session - Legal & Personnel 14) Hire Park Supt. AND any other business that may come before the Council
Help Wanted
The Groton Area School District is seeking applicants for the following positions for the 2014-2015 school year. Special Education Paraprofessionals Assistant Boys Basketball Coach Substitute Teachers/Bus Drivers Please call Joe Schwan, Superintendent 605-397-2351 for additional information. Applications are available at www.grotonarea.com.
Bridal Showers
Come join us for a bridal shower for Hannah Luecke, bride to be of Brady Edgar, Tuesday June 3, 7 p.m., at the Groton C&MA church, 706 N Main St Groton. (0521.0528*)
For Rent
ONE AND TWO bedroom apartment for rent. HDS subsidized. Rent includes utilities and heat. No smoking. Pets okay. Contact Kendra at 605/215-4000.