• The young couple had been married for less than a month. One evening after taking his bride to dinner, the husband nervously asked, "Dear, you wouldn't be offended if I pointed out a few of your flaws and faults, would you?" • "Why, of course not, Andrew," she responded. "After all, those little defects kept me from getting a better husband." • We all have defects - except our Lord. The Psalmist reminded us of this when he wrote, "The Lord is righteous in all His ways and loving toward all He has made." • Before the sixteenth century, the word "righteousness" was spelled, "rightwise." It meant "one who is as he ought to be." Our Lord is what God intended Him to be. He committed no sin. He did not violate anyone's rights. He wronged no person. Whatever He did was right. He was "rightwise." • Our English word "holy" is closely related to the idea of being "whole" or "complete." Three feet is a "whole" yard. One hundred pennies are a "whole" dollar. Our Lord approached nothing or no one half-heartedly. He never held anything back for Himself. He was totally committed to whatever He did to the glory of God. Every obligation He had to His Father was "complete!" • Not a one of us is who or what God "intended" us to be. We are not who we "ought" to be in God's eyes. Nor are we "whole" or "complete" as God designed and created us to be. We have all "fallen short" of His intentions. • But through Christ our Savior we can be! • Prayer: Thank You, Father, for providing a way for us to become who You intended us to be through Christ. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 145:17 The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does. • •