DI Global Finals Update
• Our adventures continued in Knoxville on day #3 of Global Finals. The "Out of the Boxers" team had a free day today so they participated in pin trading, the Duct Tape Playground activities, 3M Explore the Uncharted exhibit, and Movie Night Under the Stars. The girls on the team created a tutu for each of them to wear to the movie night on the drive to Knoxville. They looked stunning! • The team of "5 Confused People" had the opportunity to watch the performance of their buddy team from South Korea. Both teams then got together at lunch and exchanged gifts. We found it to be somewhat of a challenge to communicate, but for the most part were able to learn some things about each other's teams. They were excited to receive a SD dreamcatcher pin as part of their gift. Today was performance day for the "5 Confused People" and we were happy to have a great audience consisting of our new South Korean friends and our old South Dakotan friends! The team's original improvisational skit included an author, a tiger and a stormchaser. Their pandemonium was little kids who keep pestering you to play games. They did a great job and gave an entertaining performance. All in all, it was another successful day. - Joni Groeblinghoff