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• "Bobby's toys are stored with different drugs," Jensen said. "This trains Bobby to find the different scents. A dog's nose is different from a human's. When you walking in to your mom's kitchen and smell beef stew, Bobby smells beef, carrots, potatoes and each individual spice. This is what makes him a good drug sniffing dog." • Bobby and Jensen are one of 12 dog drug sniffing teams in the state and the only one in this area. The state also has one explosive sniffing dog. During the time Bobby has been working with Jensen, he has "sniffed" and recovered upwards of $70,000 worth of drugs in that time. • Jensen told students that he remembered graduating from the DARE Program when he was in school and still has his certificate hanging in his room where he can see it every day. • "Do something with your certificate," Jensen told students. "Put it where you can see it every day to remind you of the message -Don't Do Drugs!" • DARE is a 10 week program that is taught by Groton police officers in the classroom, which allows the students to interact with the officers in a safe and controlled environment. Police Chief Stacy Mayou and Officer Justin Cleveland split the duties, each teaching a classroom.
• - Char Telkamp