Sadie Jo Hanna
Renee McKiver Memorial Scholarship, Congregational Christian Church of Columbia, Vicki Strom Memorial Scholarship, Kay and David Donovan Memorial Scholarship, Groton Area Teaching Scholarship
Skyler Bonn
Groton FCCLA Service Award, Lake Area Tech Foundation Merit Scholarship, Jerald W. Peterson Memorial Scholarship, Anthony O. Brokaw Scholarship, Don Bartz Alumni Scholarship
Sydney Carroll Hanna
Renee McKiver Memorial Scholarship, Congregational Christian Church of Columbia, Vicki Strom Memorial Scholarship, Don Bartz Alumni Scholarship
Parker J. Kroll
Groton FFA Alumni Scholarship, Groton Simon Insurance and Auction Scholarship
Kylie Jo Hawkins
Presentation College Merit Scholarship, Presentation College Athletic Scholarship, Rob Luecke Memorial Scholarship, Kuehnert Athletic Scholarship
Riley Helmer
Groton FFA Alumni Scholarship, Groton Simon Insurance and Auction Scholarship, Full Circle Ag Scholarship