Hughes awarded scholarship at SDSU
• Alex Hughes of Groton was awarded the South Dakota Walleyes Unlimited Scholarship in the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences for the 2014-2015 academic year at South Dakota State University. • Hughes, a senior majoring in wildlife and fisheries at SDSU, is the son of Kieth and Jeanette Hughes of Groton and is a 2011 graduate of Groton High School. • South Dakota Walleyes Unlimited members love fishing and enjoying the beautiful lakes and rivers of South Dakota. They are making sure these pristine waters are available years to come for their children and grandchildren. They are a chartable organization dedicated to preserving, protecting, and improving all fisheries within the state of South Dakota. Through memberships, community involvement, and family participation we can restore the forage base and create restocking programs that will benefit all South Dakota waters. South Dakota Walleyes Unlimited will strive to accomplish these tasks in a fiscal, environmental, and responsible manner.