Saturday,  May 17, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 303 • 14 of 28

News from the

South Dakota school districts haven't armed staff
NORA HERTEL, Associated Press

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- The first South Dakota school year in which teachers, staff members and volunteers could legally arm themselves is coming to a close without a single district having instituted a school sentinels program.
• In the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut, at least 33 states presented 80 bills last year to authorize arming teacher or administrators, the National Conference of State Legislatures said. South Dakota was the first of nine states to pass such a bill, while other states had existing policies that might allow a teacher or faculty to be armed.
• Supporters of South Dakota's law said it would better protect students in rural areas where law enforcement personnel are not immediately accessible. The law, which called for the sentinels to receive training, was passed last March by narrow margins amid what Rep. Scott Craig, R-Rapid City, called a media firestorm.
• But no schools have taken up arms. Rep. Betty Olson, co-sponsor of the measure, has a theory as to why: "There hasn't been another school shooting lately." Meanwhile, some school officials say the policy is contentious and they don't see a need for it; state associations of teachers, school boards and school administrators opposed the legislation.
• Olson said she knows of a few good teachers in the rural Harding County School District who are good shots, though Superintendent Ruth Krogh wouldn't place herself in that camp.
• The school sentinel program was touted as security for those in rural areas, but Krogh said she's surveyed teachers and they feel safe.
• "As far as having guns in the school, I don't see that as an option," Krogh said.
• The Pierre School District has two officers and video surveillance among its precautionary measures, but Superintendent Kelly Glodt doesn't expect to use the school sentinel law. In fact, he's not surprised that no other schools have signed on -- the program provoked mixed reactions and requires substantial training.
• "You can't just pick somebody and say, 'you put the gun in your room,'" he chuckled.
• In order to establish a school sentinel program, a local school board must authorize it. If the public raises opposition, the issue then goes to a local vote. Once ap

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