Pictured in back, left to right, are Regan Lewandowski, Alec Oleson and Cheyenne Schaller; and in front, left to right, are Halle Dohman, Camille Sippel, Darac Harry and Caitlyn Fluke.
Regents' Scholar Diploma
• Seven seniors from Groton Area High School (pictured above), are the recipients of a Regents' Scholar Diploma awarded by the South Dakota Department of Education and Cultural Affairs and the South Dakota Board of Regents. • The diplomas recognize students for academic achievement over the course of their high school career. Students earning the award automatically qualify for entry into any of South Dakota's six state-supported universities. • To earn a Regents' Scholar Diploma, students must have at least a 3.0 grade point average, no final grade below a C (2.0) and must complete four units each of English, mathematics and science, three units of social studies, two units of one modern or classical language and one-half unit each of fine arts and computer science. • The diplomas are signed by Governor Dennis Daugaard, the Secretary of State, the Department of Education Secretary, the South Dakota Board of Education President, and the Board of Regents President.