Pesticide Drift during Spraying Season
• PIERRE, SD - The South Dakota Department of Agriculture (SDDA) would like to remind pesticide applicators of drift risk during this spraying season. • Applicators should prevent risk of drift to non-target areas or susceptible crops and should evaluate factors such as wind speed, wind direction, temperature, spray pressure, nozzle height and surrounding properties before they begin spraying a field. • Product labels give applicators information about safe handling, rates, personal protective equipment, labeled crops, susceptible crops, tank mixes, avoiding drift, weeds controlled and more. Reading the label of a pesticide is one of the most important things an applicator can do to get a job done correctly and safely. • Although pesticide applicators are trained to apply pesticides safely and products are labeled with instructions to prevent drift, occasionally damage occurs. SDDA receives complaint calls on pesticide drift, damage and a variety of other related incidents. • When it is appropriate to file a complaint? Below are a few suggestions: • ~ If damage has been done to the environment (trees, bushes etc.) or a non-target field because of spray drift • ~ If you notice pesticide drift occurring while an applicator is spraying • ~ A spill of over 25 gallons of liquid material or 500 lbs. dry material occurs • A complaint must be filed within 30 days after the date the damage occurs. If a (Continued on page 7)